23. Victron interior battery and other

To properly manage all electrical power, I installed additional Victron hardware.
A solar MPPT charger, battery monitor, battery charger and much more ensure optimal use of the battery and allows monitoring using one single app.

Time consuming
  • Date: June 2021
  • Parts: Victron SmartShunt 500AMP/50MV Bluetooth Smart Battery Shunt, Victron Energy BlueSolar MPPT Charge Controller - 75V (15A), Victron Energy Gel Deep Cycle Battery - 12V (110Ah), Victron Energy Smart Battery Sense - Long Range (10m), Victron Energy Blue Smart IP65 Charger with DC Connector - 12V (15A), Victron Energy Orion-Tr DC-DC Converter - Isolated - 12V/12V-9A (110W), Fuse boxes, Relais, ...